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Hi Everyone

As you may or may not know, I LOVE to read. I love non-fiction especially. I am truly excited and stimulated by learning new information. My life has always improved when I have learned a new piece of information that teaches me a new strategy or unique philosophy that I can use. I always believe that there is a whole world full of interesting people out there who know more than I do about just about anything. If they are willing to share that information with me - AWESOME. I love it. Sure, I have read a few really boring or useless books. I usually don’t finish them. So be it. If you want to make an omelette, you have to break a few eggs.

One such book that has inspired me lately is “Financial Freedom” by Grant Sabatier.

This guy has inspired me. I love that he thinks about his financial situation from a whole new perspective. He defiantly opens your mind to new possibilities. He achieved financial freedom by investing, budgeting and thinking differently about how and why he spend his money. He is definitely a part of the F.I.R.E. Movement (Financial Independence Retire Early).

Financial freedom means not having to work if you don’t want to. By re-defining what financial freedom means, you can make your own decision as to how and when you have achieved your independence. By reading this book, you will start to see the world a little differently and realise that realising your dreams might be closer than you think.

I love that people are realizing that there is much more to life than rotting in a cubicle day after day. The whole book, and the movement, are about taking back your power. You need to be in control of your life. Money will give you that control. Do not underestimate how important that is.

The website for Grant Sabatier is:

I have done it in my own life. Once you get a taste of that personal power and control, it is very hard to go back to a regular job and work for someone else by trading your time for money. There is a better way! I wrote BYOB - Be Your Own Bank to teach people about that power, and how they can taste the sweet nectar of financial freedom!

Read “Financial Freedom” or my perhaps, my Books and take back the power.

Financial Freedom


I will be talking a lot about the F.I.R.E. movement in future posts. Because it is amazing.
