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The Time to Buy Stock is NOW!

Learn from Real Estate Investors

The old saying in real estate is:

“The best time to buy real estate is 20 years ago. The next best time is now”

As I often do in my books and courses, I occasionally model my stock investing strategy after time-tested real estate investing practices. People have been making millions in real estate for a very long time and will continue to do so, through good times and bad - if they know what they are doing. Therefore, in the spirit of “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”, I recommend getting into the stock market 20 years ago. If that is not an option for you, then getting in now is probably your best bet.


For one, the COVID-19 pandemic has created a buying opportunity, and many great, solid stocks are “on sale” right now. If you are looking for my recommendations, sign up for my newsletter and receive my free “How to invest in stocks” guide, which gives you my method for picking great dividend bearing stocks. 

Capital Gains vs. Cash Flow

Secondly, if you have followed my work, I don’t subscribe to investing in stocks for capital gains. I am in it for the dividends. Dividend investing is a cool way to earn monthly income without doing much, even while you are sleeping. This is what they call “passive Income” and it beats the heck out of sitting in a cubicle all day. If you want to learn more about my strategy, read my book “BYOB: Be Your Own Bank” or “Invest in Yourself” to learn how it works!

The key concept in this strategy is that the normal fluctuations in the stock market really don’t factor into the plan, and if you do it right, you don’t even care. The market can do whatever it wants and you will sleep like a baby. 

Do Something

The difference between doing something and doing nothing is immense. So many people talk about or dream about escaping the 9 to 5 and becoming financially free, yet they do nothing about it. I would never claim that my investing strategies are the best. Heck, I wouldn’t even say they are particularly unique either, but they work. That is the point. If you follow my plan, you will be on a path to financial abundance. 

Are there are other ways to invest and make money? YUP

 There are better strategies? Probably

Will I get rich by visualising and wishing? NOPE

Mark Twain

“The secret to getting ahead is getting started.” 

Mark Twain

I want to encourage you to do your homework. There is no substitute for “knowing what you are doing”. Learn as much as you can. I suggest my top 5 personal finance books as a great place to start. The only difference between you and the rich guy down the street is that they know something that you don’t. All you have to do is learn what that “something” is. There is no secret club that only allows members to know the way to wealth. There are countless books, courses and mentors out there who will happily give you the strategies to grow your wealth. Maybe not for free, but a book usually costs less than $20. Not a bad deal to change your whole life. Just sayin’..

So I stand by my first statement - the time to get into the stock market is NOW. If you do a little research and perhaps read one of my books, you will understand why. You can take advantage of the magic power of dividends and dollar-cost averaging.

Why wait? 

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