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What I am About

Hi Everyone

When I say “everyone” in my salutation I actually mean “EVERYONE” - Not just sofisticated investor types or people that fit into a certain socio-economic class. I want to let you in on my motives.

I have spent decades studying money, business, economics, and investing. I have read literally hundreds of books on these subjects. I have spend thousands on courses, seminars, and programs. I have spent thousands of hours talking with money experts and financial gurus.

I have invested in just about everything you can invest in. I have made a lot of money and lost a lot of money. I have made many great choices and many huge mistakes.

My perspective on money, and the ideas I present in “BYOB - Be Your Own Bank” have come from a lot of trial and error and a lot study. I am totally enraptured by learning new things, and seeking out new ideas. I spend all of this time because I love it. I am passionate about it and I will do it everyday for the rest of my life because it stimulates and excites me.

I wrote BYOB because I wanted to share something important with everyone. We live in a world that is built upon money. Money is everything. I believe we need to all have the proper perspective on the role money plays in our life, yet capitalism rules our lives. Whether we are interested in learning about money or not, we still have to function within a world that very much only cares about the bottom line. You need money to live. plain and simple. There is really no way around it, unless you go live up in the mountains as a hermit or in a commune.

You need money for a place to live.

You need money for food

You need money for clothes

You need money for just about anything else you want.

So you live in a world that demands payment for you to exist. I won’t get into the moral permutations of this situation as I think that would be a really long tirade, but let’s accept this as the way things are right now. It would be unreasonable to expect everyone to understand money or investing. It would be unrealistic to assume financial education was passed on to each of us from our parents. It certainly isn’t taught in school (It should be). Most people probably don’t have the time or the inclination to learn what they need to know to prosper financially as we usually are just scrambling to survive month to month.

BYOB is my attempt to give people a financial plan that is sophisticated enough to propel them forward from the drudgery of everyday life, yet is easy to understand and implement. It is a short book. That is by design. I wanted it to be easily digestible for everyone. I wanted everyone to be able to use the principles put forth in its pages to give them a strategic advantage in their financial lives. I am more than happy to distill all those hours I spent doing something I like into an easy read for people who aren’t as interested, or just don’t have the time.

That is why I address “everyone” I believe everyone deserves the information in BYOB and I want everyone to prosper. I want everyone to benefit from its ideas, and everyone to be financially free.

