Living the Dream
This stuff is REAL
I have been droning on for many years now, to anyone who will listen, about my theories of money, wealth and economics. I do this because I am passionate about the psychology of money. It never ceases to amaze me the crazy psychological gymnastics people perform in their brains when it comes to money. I am more convinced than ever, that money is a mind game, more than anything.
In the process of writing my latest book, I did my usual obsessive researching about the topic I am writing about, money management. I read many books, watched hundreds of videos, talked to several experts and just plain sat and thought about things. I realized that most of the ideas (not all, I'm proud to say) are not new. They have been written about and discussed by far smarter people than me, and I have been aware of some of these concepts for decades.
The strange thing is, even though I thought I "knew" certain things about money, it wasn't until I actually "DID" them that they started to make sense. I truly started to understand what the gurus were talking about. Not only did I understand the ideas, I felt them. My giant revelation was that feeling the ideas was the catalyst. When I experienced my first dividend going into my bank account, the feeling I got was incredible. The whole concept of passive income suddenly, and very dramatically made perfect sense to me. I had to feel it to believe it.
It is when I actually experienced investing my money, leveraging my assets, and actually building and receiving multiple streams of income did I truly understand why I should be doing it. Because I felt it emotionally, it became real to me. It became an actual life moment and its importance to me grew tenfold. It was only when I saw it for myself and felt the emotion of the plan coming together that I really became passionate about it. When I read a book I get excited about the ideas for a while then it slowly fades into memory. But If I actually implement it in my real life, and feel the emotional thrill of tangibly moving towards financial freedom, it becomes an obsession.
I believe that life is all about the experiences you have, not the things you acquire. The actual experience of building a fortune and learning how to grow wealth is exhilarating. The skills and character I built through learning how to be self-disciplined with money have helped me in so many other areas of my life. Learning to have long-term perspective has not only brought me abundance financially but has given me perspective on my family, my relationships and my career. I make better decisions in all walks of life because I had the chance to try and fail at wealth building.
The principles of money management are timeless. They are repeated over and over again because they work. I write about these things because I feel them so intensely. If I was just spouting theories and concepts that I find interesting I doubt I ever would have finished even one book, let alone five. I write because I experienced that ideas and concepts. I saw for myself the benefits. I have felt the elation of watching my portfolio grow. I have felt the thrill of my favourite stock raising their dividend, giving me even more money for doing nothing.
I write my books because I want to share the feeling. I want you to be able to experience the emotions that come with growing your wealth. It feels amazing.
So many people have some very unhelpful ideas in their brain about money. Wealth and prosperity is only a dream to many, and even more feel like it is an exclusive club they can never be a part of. I am here to tell you, that you are welcome to join. You just have to be willing to go through the uncomfortable process of changing the way you think and , perhaps, altering a few fundamental beliefs that you may have about money. I want you to share in the feeling of freedom. Having money gives you the power to live your life on your terms. There is no better feeling than that.
So I encourage you to not only read books, take courses and attend seminars, but to actually do the things they suggest. When you actually live the ideas, you will experience a motivation to continue that you just can't get from ideas alone. You will make a few mistakes. We all have. Learn from them and try again. But I promise you, if you actually do the things that build wealth, you will not forget them. You will have become the ideas.
I suggest in my new book that if you adopt the mindset and habits of wealthy people, you are officially a wealthy person, regardless of how much money you presently have. There is no amount of money that declares you as "rich". It is your daily actions and choices that determine whether you are rich or not. That is why wealthy people are never worried about losing it all, because they know they can just make it back again. Why? Because they ARE rich. They will just do the things that got them there over again. If you do the same things consistently and make the same choices you will be rich too. There is no question about it. Those same good habits will not only get you there, but keep you there too.
I would love it if you were to find a plan that excites you enough to actually follow through and do it. Then, there will be no stopping you because the reality of the experience will be so much better than the theory that you will refuse to stop.
I would love to hear about your wealth journeys! Leave a comment and share your experiences.
Feeling powerful and confident about your financial future is an amazing state of being. I can show you how..