The Love of Money
The love of money is the root of all evil
This quote has been used for centuries to criticize money. It's often aimed at the wealthy or those who are poor.
I think most people misunderstand this quote.
It's the love of money that's the problem, not money itself. It's our attitude that matters, not the money.
Money is just a tool for exchange, neither good nor bad.
Our values are what go wrong, not money. Money is just a bystander.
Capitalism is Neutral
Capitalism is a system where people trade value for value. It's been around for thousands of years. Learning how it works can help us thrive.
It's a fair way to exchange goods, services, and labor. Not everyone is equal, but that's not about rights or worth. It's about what you contribute.
If you create huge value, you should get paid well. Hard work and risk-taking should be rewarded. A true meritocracy is best.
Everything has value, and there should be a way to measure it. Money is a good tool for this. The market sets prices based on what people are willing to pay.
People's perceptions of value can be off, influenced by marketing. But, they only pay what they think is fair. This is fair and equitable.
Time value of money
Time is our most valuable asset. We trade it for goods and services, not money. When spending money, think about how many hours it takes to earn it.
Calculating the time value of debt can be eye-opening. It shows how much time you'll spend paying off debt. Spend your time wisely.
Time is Value
I love the movie “In Time” with Justin Timberlake. It shows a society where time is currency. It's a powerful message about valuing time. We all have limited time, and we should spend it well.
Treat your money like you love it. Fold it neatly - care for it, nurture it. If you value your time, then you need to value your money. Money is the currency, but it really does represent time. So treat it lovingly.
Make sure the bills are all facing the same way. This is a way to remind yourself that you are caring and nurturing your life. Because money is your life. It represents time, freedom and survival.
If you have lots of money you have all three. Money for moneys sake is not the goal. Freedom over your life is. Take back he freedom and treat money like it is your life.
Money is LIFE
In our capitalist society, it is easy to put money on a pedestal as it represents life. We need money to live. It costs money for food, clothing shelter, healthcare, education.
Without it, our quality of life suffers. We have made it so that money is nesessary for our survival so we instinctually give it great power over us. What money really represents is freedom. It represents control over our lives. IT represents health and vitality.
In the context of our capitalist society we are only as free as the amount of money we have.
Is it any wonder that, in areas of our world where poverty is prevalent, crime and suffering are also widespread. Look at any slum, and you will see higher crime rates, higher alcohol and drug abuse, and lower moral standards? Why? This is out of necessity.
When you are desperate, you do not have the luxury of a strict moral code. Living on the straight and narrow might mean hunger, homelessness, sickness or even death when you are destitute. How can money be evil, when lack of money seems to create these types of problems?
If I were to re-word the Bible quote above, it would be “Lack of values is the root of all evil”. There is nothing inherently evil about money or capitalism. It is when people lose sight of their values that things go wrong.
If people take capitalism too far by putting profit before people, then it becomes a monster.
The problem with “monster” capitalism is when people stop understanding the basic tenets of good old fashioned capitalism and start to believe that money and wealth are entities unto themselves. Believing that money is the end goal becomes and endless pursuit. How much is enough? What lines am I willing to cross to obtain it?
The old saying, and the title of my book “We could save the world, but there’s no money in it” sums up the problem. Capitalism is great and is a wonderful way to exchange value, but it should not be at the top of the food chain. People need to be at the top. Because people are immersed in capitalism they don’t realise that they are separate from it. They think that is the way it is. It’s like a fish doesn’t know it’s in water.
Capitalism is so pervasive that we can’t see it objectively. It is quite easy to put profit before people because we feel like if we don’t we might lose something. We might lose our place in line. We might lose to the competition, then we will have nothing and die. These are int instinctual feelings that come up, because we are so ingorssed in our capitalist fish tank.
Play the Game
In my book, Invest in Yourself, I talk about how we can become more aware of the fact we are living in a capitalist system, and how we can take that awareness and use it to our advantage. Play the game, then change the game.
As we are living in a world that is ruled by money, let’s learn the rules and play the game to our advantage. If we educate ourselves about how money works, we can become prosperous enough to help others. We can find the time to change the system for the better. We need to know the rules, before we can break them If we try to change the system to benefit humanity without being in a powerful position, we will have less efficacy and people may wonder if our motives are just a product of our circumstances. Take from the rich to give to the poor is a terrible plan. There are better systems.
If the rich are spearheading positive changes in the capitalist system then it has a lot more impact. Sure, people will question their motives as well, but I would rather be comfortable while fighting the good fight, then struggling.
New Ideas
We need to think about capitalism with limits. There should be a limit to how much capitalism can grow. We must put people first.
There are many ways to put people before profits. Charity, social programs, and laws can do this.
Charity is a way to give back when you're wealthy. Wealthy people often give a lot to charity. Giving 10% of your income is taught in many self-help books.
It's seen as a moral duty to help others when you can. This doesn't seem evil to me.
Every country has some socialism in it. We can learn from different countries' systems. The internet helps us study these ideas.
Most countries have social programs to help everyone. For example, Canada has universal healthcare. It's free, but we pay high taxes for it.
In some countries, healthcare is a business. If you can't pay, you might suffer or even die. This seems immoral.
Is it wrong to let people suffer from hunger or homelessness just because they're poor?
There are interesting ideas to solve capitalism's problems. Let's talk about them.
Universal Basic income
Universal Basic Income (UBI) is a social program. It gives everyone enough money for basic needs. It's been shown to work well in trials.
"Give Them Money" is a great book about UBI. It shows how effective it can be. I think it's a great idea.
Ubuntu Contributionism
Ubuntu contributionism goes even further than UBI. It suggests removing money from society. It's based on community and helping others.
In "UBUNTU Contribusionism," Michael Tellinger argues for it. He addresses common concerns. It's a fresh perspective worth considering.
Star Trek
This is the ultimate ideal. Star Trek shows a world without money, where technology gives us everything we need. Food, clothes, and homes are free. The only challenge is finding happiness.
Is growing as a person and being the best version of you a great goal? Isn't using our gifts to help humanity more noble than just making money? This dream might be our ultimate goal.
I want to wake you up to the dream of living in a capitalist system. It's important to be aware of our world. By understanding the game, we can succeed.
Dreaming of a better world is cool, but we must live in the present. We can't change the world overnight, but we can start now.
Let's learn about our capitalist system. Educate yourself on money and how to live freely. Use money to help others and spark innovation for a better life.
Stop seeing money as evil. Let's focus on our values, not just money. This will help us live our best lives.
Learn as much as you can about wealth and money. This will help you live your highest values.
I wrote an article on my top 5 personal finance books. They're a great starting point.
My books can also help you on your journey to financial freedom.