There are no Guarantees
Stop Dreaming, Start Doing
You may be in a position in your life where you are struggling. You may think to yourself “I want more” - I know I do.
I think,
“I wish there was a magic formula that would allow me to get rich without any work or risk”
I might as well be wishing to win the lottery or finding a magic lamp in the garden behind my house. It isn’t going to happen that way.
I am here to tell you that there is no magic formula to wealth, and anyone who says they have one is selling something. There are no guaranteed formulas for riches.
There are methods to get rich. There are blueprints. If I give you the plans to build a house you still need to build it. My blueprints do not guarantee that you will execute them properly. I cannot control whether you cut corners or use cheap materials. I cannot control whether you decide to modify the plans.
Some wealth gurus will suggest that you model others who have already done what you want to do. This is OK in principle, but maybe they did something that only works once. Maybe they have a special skill that you do not have. Maybe they got lucky. They are not you.
I am bringing the hard facts to you in order to “cleanse the pallet” as they say. You are not going to “get rich” by any other way than to build it slowly over time with a plan, patience, flexibility and leverage.
You need a plan. This is a set of principles that work most of the time to build wealth. No vehicle for creating wealth is perfect nor permanent. You may be heavily invested in a stock which crashes. You may own real estate in a market that tanks. You may invest in a company that goes bankrupt. These things happen.
Building wealth takes time. Most millionaires took 20 years or more to build their fortunes. Overnight success is very rare and usually fleeting. Play the long game.
If you fail, try again. If you fail again. Keep trying. Many millionaires have lost their fortunes more than once. You only have to be right 51% of the time to be rich.
Here is the key. Leverage means using other people’s money. Leverage means using other people’s time. Leverage means using other people’s expertise. You need to use all three if you are going to build true wealth. Very few of us make enough money that we can build a significant fortune with the money we have left every month. Learn how to leverage.
The Key Component.
After all of that being said here is the “prime directive” for wealth creation.
Do something
Yes, I have written about this before, but I cannot emphasise this enough. The difference between “wishing” that you were rich and becoming rich is actually getting off of your ass and doing something. Start that business. Buy that stock. Rent out that property. Whatever method you choose to create your fortune is totally up to you, but you have to actually DO IT.
Do it until you succeed or fail. If you succeed - YAY. If you fail, do it again and learn from your mistakes. You cannot get rich by wishing or dreaming. You cannot get rich by using the “law of attraction” and just visualising and feeling wealth. You need to actually follow through and act upon your vision. You need to try.
Most of us will to a great job of talking ourselves out of doing anything due to the fear of failure. We will find a hundred reasons why we cannot do something to justify our complacency. This will not do. We need to actually take the leap and work our plan. If we fail, or screw up, we just dust ourselves off and try again. This is not “the heroes journey”, this is just how life works. Our education system did not do us any favours by giving us ONE chance to pass or fail and then sort us out from there. Real life allows us to try, fail, and try again.
We also are afraid to screw up when it comes to money because we associate money with survival. We think that if we fail at an investment opportunity we will die. This is not true, it just feels that way. If we can get over that fear and figure out what possible safety nets we can put in place, we can accomplish great things. We tend to get ourselves stuck in financial commitments that seem to control our lives: mortgages, car loans student debt, kids, credit cards. These are real commitments but we have more options available to us that you might think.
So if you are hesitant to step outside your comfort zone and begin your new wealth building pursuit because you are afraid to fail, or believe that it is impossible for you, then I ask you to consider dipping your toe in the water first. You can get started with ONE SHARE.
You can read my books or the books of others and learn some strategies for building wealth. You can take my course or the courses of others to learn key insights that you may not have known before. You have so many options to break out of your old patterns and live the life of your dreams.
Like I said before, there is no guaranteed formula for success but there is a guaranteed formula to stay the same - do nothing. If you want your circumstances to change, you need to change. You need to become more. You need to do something that scares you. Do not wait for luck or serendipity to befall you. Do not wait for the perfect “get rich method” to appear. They don’t exist. All that you can do is pick a plan and execute it as well as you can.
I wanted to get the point across that my methods (or anyones) for wealth creation are not guaranteed to work for everyone, but life offers no guarantees to anyone. We all have to take what we are given and do the best with it that we can. You realizing your own unique potential is all that life asks of you. You cannot know what you are capable of if you don’t test your limits and try to grow. Be more. Do more.
Rich is the goal. Now we need to define what that means..