You must give in order to get
If you are serious about becoming wealthy then you must give serious thought to how you are going to start giving to charity.
All wealth gurus suggest giving 10% of your wealth to charity as part of your journey to prosperity. Many suggest it for spiritual reasons and they are not wrong to do so. There are a myriad of reasons to give to charity and no one can tell you which reasons might be meaningful to you. There is a belief that rich people are greedy and corrupt or evil, but most rich people are extremely generous in their charitable giving. You might believe it is for the tax implications or to be seen at the charitable events, but in my experience, most rich people are truly thankful for their wealth and feel contribution to those less fortunate is a necessity. I believe it is our duty to give to the less fortunate even as we are growing our fortune. Don’t wait until you are already rich to include charitable giving in your plans. It has benefits right now.
Charitable giving or tithing sends a message to the universe that you have enough and reinforces the idea of abundance in your mind. Tithing tells your subconscious mind that you have enough that you can afford to give some away. This creates a wealth mindset that will compel you to make different decisions about money and perhaps create a type of “rich” vibration that will attract wealth into your life.
The law of attraction suggests that you attract to you things that resonate with your primary vibration. If you believe that you have abundance, you will magically attract more abundance to yourself. Giving to those in need sends a very clear message to your mind that you have abundance and are able to give back. It sometimes is a little unclear whether this is a selfish act or not as you are helping yourself to the degree that you help others. But this just reinforces the law of value for value. You must provide value to the world and they will compensate you for it. If you give to charity, you are providing value. It is only fair that you receive value in return via a good feeling, or a sense of happiness. This gives you an inherent sense of self worth and makes you feel like you are part of something bigger - The Human Race.
No Conditions
The secret to giving is to be unattached to the outcome. If you give a beggar on the streets a couple of dollars and they spend it on crack, that is not your concern. All that matters is that you give with no expectations. The act of giving demands that you are now empowering that person to make their own decisions. Right or wrong. Giving needs to be a pure act. There can be no strings attached to a gift of charity. You can choose to not give to the same place again if you feel like it was not truly helpful but you need to let it go. Once the money leaves your hand it is no longer yours and you must become unattached to it. It belongs to some else.
Also, charitable giving doesn’t need to be money - it can be given in the form of your time. Most people trade their time for money, so it makes sense that what is really valuable is your time or expertise. Giving your time generously to a charitable cause that needs it is often just as helpful, if not more helpful, than giving them money. Most charitable organisations require volunteers to run things and aways are grateful for more help. Many hands make light work. You don’t need money to feel rich. You don’t need money to add value to the world. You are adding value to the world and that is all that matters. Your rewards for doing so will come, maybe not how you think, but they will come.
You don’t want anyone else telling you how to spend your money, so it is incumbent upon you to respect the same boundaries when giving. If you were in need, would you want someone to place conditions upon the gift they might be giving to you? NO! That could make you feel like you are beneath them or indebted to them in some way. Everyone needs to feel like they are a sovereign being and are trusted to make decisions for themselves as an individual. It is demeaning to judge how they use your gift. A charitable gift really means that once it is exchanged, it belongs to the other person. It is no different than any other transaction. If I give you an item that I made with my time and expertise, and you give me money for it in return, the item belongs to YOU now and the money belongs to ME. What we each do with the item or money is nobody’s business. A charitable transaction must have the same agreement. That is the true spirit of giving.
“The unfortunate need people who will be kind to them; the prosperous need people to be kind to.”
You give because you believe the universe is abundant. You give because you see yourself in every other soul on this earth. You give because money needs to flow and value needs to be created. A healthy economy is stagnate when money is hoarded. Money is a means of exchange of value, and the key word here is exchange, which is a noun or a verb, with the verb iteration causes the most benefit. We need money to pass from one person to another because that means the TRUE essence, value, is being passed. We need to provide value to people. Everyone values something different. Some people value a second vacation home in the Virgin Islands, while others would find the same value in a hot meal and a warm bed. You cannot underestimate the impact your charity will have on someone who has different circumstances that you. A few bucks might mean a latté to you, it might be the difference between life and death for another.
As your wealth grows, please allow your charitable giving to grow in kind. It is truly an act that produces more energy than gets put into it.