Unscripted - MJ DeMarco
Like most people, my ideas usually don’t come out of the ether like a lightning bolt. They usually are the sum of things I have previously read or learned or experienced and they take time to percolate. I receive inspiration from many sources and I like to usually add a twist to previously existing information.
I have read hundreds, if not thousands of books in my lifetime and I usually stick to non-fiction where I can learn something. If a book is good enough, I will read it more than once. If I really love a book. I recommend it to my friends. Having read so many books, it has become a fairly rare occurrence where a new book really blows my mind.
My Top 5 Personal Finance Books
In my previous article My Top 5 Personal Finance Books, I included MJ DeMarco’s “Millionaire Fastlane” as I believe this book is a must-read for any aspiring entrepreneurs, or anyone interested in how money and wealth works.
I usually describe this book as the blueprint for financial success. I wasn’t sure how Mr. DeMarco could ever top it, nor could I imagine what else he could write that would add more value to the world. Holy jumping cracky, was I wrong.
MJ Demarco’s new book, Unscripted is mind blowing. He takes every concept I ever learned about wealth and money and rolls it all into ONE GIANT EPIC treatise on what everyone should know about money, wealth, and the value of time.
He first spends some time waking you up. By waking you up, I mean punching you in the face with a cold-hard reality check akin to a bucket of ice water. If you didn’t know that you were living a life of indentured servitude, you surly will after reading part I, II, and III. He makes it painfully clear that we really are slaves. This is done artfully and tastefully as to not scare us off. This diatribe just lures us into part IV.
In Part IV and V he gives us the payoff. He masterfully paints a picture of what it could be like if we can truly wrap our heads around some new information about how the world actually works. The entrepreneur is the backbone of our capitalist society and he virtually BEGS us to join the club. By the end of the book, you are ready to quit your job and go running to the bank for a small business loan.
Even though his bias is towards entrepreneurship, his message is an important and necessary paradigm that I believe EVERYONE should know. He explains the inner workings of money, wealth and most importantly, the exchange of VALUE. We are all living in this capitalist system, whether we know it or not, and to flourish there is certain information that we really need to know. MJ DeMarco gives us that information with certitude, humour and a dash of sarcasm.
I absolutely loved this book. It is the book I wish I had available to me thirty years ago. It would have saved me vast amounts of time, money and emotional energy. I recommend you not only read it. I recommend you study it, like a textbook. Savour each idea. Talk about it with a buddy. Go back and re-read the key concepts. Maybe write an essay…
This is a really long book and rightly so. Mr. DeMarco has condensed a lifetime of entrepreneurial experience into its pages. It took me a few weeks to finish it and I am a fast reader. I hung on every word and I was never bored. It continued to offer me great ideas and fresh perspectives every chapter. The key concepts are clearly explained and I believe should be taught to everyone. I strongly suggested his first book to my sons and I will do the same for this masterpiece.
I am not sure if it is necessary to read his first book, Millionaire Fastlane, before you read Unscripted, but it does provide a little context for who MJ DeMarco is, why he is qualified to rock your world, and makes you familiar with the author’s gruff style. Either way, you will have a wealth of wisdom to take with you into the fray of western capitalism.
My new book, Invest in Yourself offers similar perspectives, but in a much more condensed format. I offer distinct strategies that will get your wealth creation plan started, without you having to be an entrepreneur. It is a quick read and offers practical advice for everyone.
Feeling powerful and confident about your financial future is an amazing state of being. I can show you how..