What to ask a rich person
When encountering a rich person and striking up a conversation, most people who aren't rich ask the same question of the wealthy,
"How did you become rich?”
As interesting and diverse as the answers you receive may be, I believe that you are asking the wrong question.
I think the question you should be asking is,
"Why did you become rich?"
This is the more meaningful question because now you are dealing with the real obstacle to becoming wealthy. That obstacle is YOU.
People are not machines. They feel things, are lazy, have incorrect beliefs and biases that lead them astray in a myriad of ways. People are imperfect and inconsistent.
The "how" of becoming rich is quite simple. There are a ton of methods and vehicles that will allow you to become rich. There are as many ways to become a millionaire as there are millionaires. The methodology is almost irrelevant. Pick and one run with it.
The real secret to becoming rich is hidden in plain sight. It is you.
In order to re-frame this idea, I will say it a different way. You are the reason you are not rich.
The behaviours and habits that will propel you forward into riches are simple to explain, yet difficult to do. Why?
Because they require hard things like:
Hard work
Long-term perspective
These are mental activities. These are personality and character traits that are the real key to success, yet are difficult to cultivate.
Getting rich is very simple math,
"Spend less than you earn and invest the difference"
There - I've given you the secret. I'll meet you in Monte Carlo next week. Your yacht or mine?
Rich Mindset
To become rich you have to think like a rich person. You have to make the same decisions and take the same course of action as the rich people you admire. You have to do this on a consistent basis. You have to constantly make decisions with every dollar you earn as to where it is going and what is its highest return. You have to NOT spend on things that make you poor and invest in things that make you rich.
Now if you examine the above behaviours you will see that they do NOT require exceptional intelligence or inside information. They do not require you to be attractive or well-connected. They just require you to make good decisions every single day without losing sight of the end goal. This is simply an inside job. You need to BE the person you need to BE to get to the prize. You need to become someone who has the self-discipline and foresight to plan for every cent you earn and spend.
As to the "HOW", you have many choices. There is a ton of information out there that will give you the "how" - that is the easy part.
You could read my Books.
You could take my course.
You could read one of my top 5 financial books of all time.
You could follow the advice of the great Brian Tracy.
All of these sources of "How to" are ready available and inexpensive. You could spend $10 on a book that will change your whole life. You spend more for a beer at some nightclubs.
You are no longer a victim
Once you fully understand that the only thing preventing you from achieving your financial desires is you, the world will open up to you. You will now realize that you have the power to achieve anything, as long as you are willing to change.
I understand that change is super hard. I know! It is really hard. We are really uncomfortable when we are stretched outside of our mental boundaries.
My latest book, THE GAP, gives a clear, succinct plan to become rich, but also suggests some compelling reasons "WHY" to become rich. It speaks to the inner-you. It speaks to the person, not the machine. It will convince you that you are the catalyst for change. Financial freedom is not an exclusive club that only the privileged few can belong to. It is achievable by anyone who is willing to change themselves. Do the hard work of become the right person, and the money will follow.
Contrary to popular belief, the person you need to be is not who is usually depicted on TV. You do not need to be a workaholic or a shark. You do not need to exploit other people or break the law. You can be a good person you contributes to society and still get rich. Most rich people are just normal, hard-working people who persevered and made good choices with their money.
So give "THE GAP" a read and allow yourself to accept your personal sovereignty. The world is yours, if you are willing to become a new you.
Feeling powerful and confident about your financial future is an amazing state of being. I can show you how..